Alphabet Day
Alphabet Day is an exciting event held annually at Port Macquarie Adventist School. It is a day where students dress up as a character or object that begins with a letter of the alphabet, and participate in various activities centered around the alphabet.
The purpose of Alphabet Day is to promote literacy and creativity, as well as provide a fun and engaging learning experience for students. Throughout the day, students participate in activities such as alphabet scavenger hunts, alphabet crafts, and games that involve identifying and matching letters of the alphabet. The day also includes a parade where students showcase their creative costumes and share the letter they represent with the school community.
Local Church Events
The Worship Service at Port Macquarie Seventh-day Adventist Church is held every Saturday starting at 11:15 am. It includes singing, prayer, a children’s story, and an inspiring Bible-based message shared by local and visiting pastors.
The Port Macquarie Seventh-day Adventist Church is located in the beachside town of Port Macquarie, on the NSW Mid North coast of Australia. It is directly next to Port Macquarie Adventist School and minutes away from the town’s pristine beaches.
Sabbath School is a Bible study group format that meets on Sabbath (Saturday) mornings at church. It is an interactive Bible discussion that offers different classes based on age group, and follows a series of lessons based on a particular book of the Bible. Sabbath School is for everyone, including preschoolers, children, teenagers, and adults of all ages and backgrounds.
Port Macquarie Adventist School encourages students and families of all faiths and cultural backgrounds to apply for enrolment. The school expects that the Christian values and principles of the Adventist school system will be upheld within our school, and request a high standard of conduct both within and outside the school.
As a Christian organisation Port Macquarie Adventist School devotes time to worship and learning about God and the Bible. Children will receive religious studies classes, hear regular Bible stories and will be involved in a weekly chapel service. Worship is a core component of education at Port Macquarie Adventist School, and all students are encouraged to have a relationship with Jesus.
Community Playgroup
PMAS Community Playgroup is a happy place for our little people to play and interact with each other in a fun, safe and loving environment. A place for parents or caregivers to chat, laugh and sometimes facepalm in exasperation over our incredible little people.
If you’re the parent or caregiver of a 0-5 year old, we’d love you to bring them along to our weekly playgroup! It runs from 9:30-11am each Friday during the school term, in our Pre-Kindy room. Entry is just a gold coin donation.